Are You Sending Work Comp Injuries to the Right Therapist?

Are your work comp injuries getting the appropriate physical/occupational therapy for their injuries? At Balanced Fitness & Health, experience has shown us that an individualized approach to each injury makes a difference. Communication with you and your company along with specialized knowledge of worker’s comp rehab and the understanding of return to work goals help get your employees back on the job faster.

So, are you sending work comp injuries to the right place? You have a choice to determine where your injured employees go for rehab, so here are some questions to consider in determining if your current work comp rehab you’re receiving is right for your employees. If your answer to several of these questions is “no,” it may be time to consider a change to your work comp rehab program.

  1. Is the therapist specialized in worker’s comp rehab? It’s important that the occupational or physical therapist have a thought process appropriate to getting your employees back to work quickly and safely. At Balanced Fitness & Health, our staff knows work comp rehab and specializes in making the return to work process as efficient as possible. 

  2. Does the therapist know the job description of the person they’re treating? Do they know what that job entails? Have they ever asked you about this or visited the job site? What do they know about your industry? It is critical that therapists know the jobs your employees perform so they can treat them appropriately. We always take the time to get to know your industry, company and the jobs you do in order to provide individualized care for your employees, should they become injured. 

  3. Does the therapist communicate regularly with you as well as the treating physician? We find that open communication makes a huge impact on getting results. Plus, you deserve to know what’s happening with your employees’ progress. We make every effort to keep the lines of communication open, so each employee feels supported and your company receives frequent updates. This keeps us accountable in providing the best possible care—the care that your employees deserve. 

  4. Does the therapy clinic consider the whole person? Another key to work comp success includes consideration of the person’s age, activity level, diet, motivational level, state of mind and lifestyle habits. These factors all play a role in the speed and effectiveness of recovery. We are especially attentive to the mental aspect of work comp injuries. We make that a priority. We build a relationship with each client, so they know we have their best interest and health in mind. This rapport provides encouragement, develops trust and boosts morale. Our clients know that we care about them! We believe so much in this approach, we wrote a whole post about it! We highly encourage you to learn more about the BioPsychoSocial approach we use to help work comp clients achieve better outcomes more quickly.

In light of these questions, how does your current work comp rehab program fare? You and your employees deserve a high level of work comp knowledge, customer service, communication and treatment.

If you’re interested in learning about our work comp team’s specialized approach to return-to-work therapy, please contact me. We would be happy to see how we might be able to improve outcomes, lower your companies Experience Modification Ratings, and improve overall company morale.